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Customer Testimonials

We are building a new house and are using Switched Electrical. We chose Switched Electrical to install power to the building site and provide all electrical fittings for the house.
We were impressed with Adam’s approachable manner, and his ability to explain complex ideas in an easy to understand way.


Just wanted to tell you I’m really happy with Cam’s work and his commitment to the job. Thanks so much for all his hard work.

Shaun Jetcharm

Owen, Adam and their great team have done an exemplary job on the electrical component of the renovation at our home.
Entirely professional and completely reliable the crew from Switched were a pleasure to deal with.
Their knowledgeable and thoughtful advice was appreciated and also their understanding of what we were wanting to achieve.
Thanks Switched!

Tony & Neil

Many thanks to Owen and the team at Switched Electrical. They were very accommodating and we were impressed by the workmanship and professionalism. Would recommend to anyone.


I have used Switched Electrical in the past and have been so impressed with them every time, without fail, that I will only be using them in the future.
